MMPA Dairy Communicators hearing about MMPA products.

Dairy Communicators: Decades of Devotion to Dairy Promotion

The MMPA Dairy Communicator program is an on-going effort of approximately 60 members in the Great Lakes region. Elected members of a local work diligently to speak out and communicate on behalf of dairy farmers in their local area. Dairy Communicators are involved in a wide variety of local promotion activities ranging from hosting farm tours, going to schools to present to classrooms and engaging with consumers of various social media platforms. The Dairy Communicators recently met for a on June 19 to swap promotion ideas and recognize service award winners.

Thank you, MMPA Dairy Communicators, for your years of service to the dairy industry and your local communities.

2023 Dairy Communicator Service Awards

15 Years
Kristie Lamb
Cami Marz-Evans

10 Years
Kathleen Clinton
Katie Schumacher

5 Years
Amy Bodnick
Pat Bolday
Renee McCauley

Cami Marz-Evans

FARM: Evans Livestock
HOMETOWN: Litchfield, Michigan

What do you enjoy most about being part of the dairy community?
I enjoy how everyone in the dairy community really helps each other out, especially when the chips are down. The entire community is very sincere and hardworking. We go out there every day to do what we do 365 days, seven days a week. We all hold the same values.

How has the MMPA Dairy Communicator program helped you promote dairy?
Throughout the years, we’ve done numerous dairy promotions, everything ranging from passing out cheese at community events to hosting Breakfast on the Farm. We’re active in Project RED and have thrown a centennial dairy farm celebration. I take what I learn at MMPA Dairy Communicator meetings and explain our impact and dairy footprint to our consumers. One of the first question people ask when I say I’m a dairy farmer is, “Where does your milk go?” I’m able to share the brands and companies that has MMPA milk in it thanks to the MMPA Dairy Communicator program.

Share your favorite dairy promotion memory.
My favorite dairy promotion memory is helping with Breakfast on the Farm at Pleasant View Farms! I was integrally involved in that. There was a lot of dairy memorabilia there at the event, so it was just a great day with lots of generations of dairy farmers. It attracted a lot of people who don’t have exposure to the farm, so we had some cool interactions and met cool people through that.

What advice would you share with someone just starting their dairy promotion journey?

Tell your story! There are lots of resources out there to help you get started. The United Dairy industry of Michigan has been integral in providing assistance to many of the events I’ve helped with. I also recommend attending every meeting you possibly can to soak up the information, talk to people and get yourself out there.

Sometimes it’s easier for people who aren’t as comfortable sharing their story to get their kids involved in it and use the activities you already attending with your kids as an education forum. The environment when you’re sitting on the bench or bleachers is a whole lot easier and is just as great of an avenue to share what we do in our everyday life in dairy farming. For people who don’t want to stand up in front or don’t have the time to plan an event, take advantage of the time that you have with others and away from the farm because it’s precious little, so use those experiences to weave in the way that we live.

MMPA Dairy Communicators Meet in St. Johns

In June, MMPA Dairy Communicators met at AgroLiquid in St. Johns, Michigan to enjoy a full day of fellowship and sharing dairy promotion ideas. They had the opportunity to hear from MMPA leadership, learn about Michigan Ag Council’s promotion efforts and receive an update from the United Dairy Industry of Michigan. Dairy Communicators reaching a service milestone were also recognized.

This article was originally published in the July/August 2023 issue of the Milk MessengerSubscribe »